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Brake Pads and Brake Discs

Brake Pads and Brake Discs 12 Month Warranty Free Inspection Booking An Appointment Today Brake Pads and Brake Discs It’s vital to make sure that your brake pads and brake discs

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Booking Confirmation Thank you! Your booking is now placed. About Sweeney’s Garage Sweeney’s are the leading car and light commercial vehicle servicing provider in Ireland,


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Auto Electrics Repair

Auto Electrics Repair 12 Month Warranty Free Inspection Booking An Appointment Today Auto Electrics Repair Are you having trouble with Auto Electrics? Not sure how to repair or replace faulty parts

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Alloy Wheel Repair

Alloy Wheel Repair 12 Month Warranty Free Inspection Booking An Appointment Today Alloy Wheel Repair Dublin If a wheel is damaged too severely to be repaired, we can still provide you